St. Bridget's Approach to Mental Health for Children

At St Bridget's we understand that your child's mental health is paramount to their growth both socially and academically in our school. We have developed a tiered structure of support over recent years and work with a wide variety of experts to provide the best level of support we are capable of. We continually strive to add further support in order to improve our mental health offering. 
If you feel your child is struggling with their mental health it is important that you speak to your class teacher as soon as possible. They will meet with you and talk through any difficulties your child is having and agree on a level of support that they feel is appropriate for your child. This conversation will always be discussed with the SENCo (Mr Coughlin) who is responsible for organising and ensuring your child receives appropriate support. If, after a period of support, your child is not showing signs of improvement they may be escalated to a higher level of support. 
Please remember in an emergency that you can use the following link to receive support through the NHS and many other wonderful charities.