
Our Governing body, was re-constituted on 7th July 2015 under new Government regulations and now comprises of:
4 Foundation Governors
Rev Alex Williams
Mr Nick Ledingham
Prof. Stan Metcalfe
Mrs Sarah Wrightson
6 Parent Governors
Mr David Pastor
Mrs Emma Haddley
Mrs Christine Morgan
Mrs Anjali Main
Mr Chris Cheater
Ms Sarah Barker 
3 Co-opted Governors
Mrs Kate Branddreth
Mr Doug Janikiewicz
Mrs Sarah Collins
1 Local Authority Governor
Mrs Victoria Cassidy
1 Headteacher Governor
Mr Neil Le Fuevre
1 Staff Governor
Mrs Lyndsay Ashton
Associate Governor
Mr Ryan Neal
Mrs Rosie Ross 
Clerk to the Governors
Miss Sheenah Marriott
Currently, we have 2 Associate Governors.
Parent Governors are nominated and appointed by school parents and when necessary an election for a new parent governor would take place.
Further details about our governors is available in school or on the school website. Contact for all our governors is via the Clerk to the Governors or school office or on: – 0151 625 7652