
School Office

Welcome to the office area of our school website. We are here to help answer any queries you
may have, so please do not hesitate to contact us either in person or by telephone on 0151 625 7652.

The school office is staffed from 08:30 until 16:00 each day. Outside of these hours, a message
may be left on our answer service and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

For your convenience, we have noted answers to frequently asked questions below. For detailed
information on our policies and procedures, please refer to our school prospectus and policy
documents. Copies are sent to all new entrants to our school and further copies are available from
reception on request.

Mrs P Emery, Office Manager


School Opening Hours

Our gates open at 8.45am, with the school day officially starting at 9am and our school day ends at 3.30pm, totalling 32.5 hours a week that the pupils are expected to be in school. Extra-curricular activities are in addition to these hours.

EYFS  start 8.45am/9.00am Finish 3.25pm

KS1 start 8.45am/9.00am Finish 3.30pm

KS2 start 8.45am/9.00am Finish 3.30pm



We take the safeguarding of our children very seriously and it is important that we know their
whereabouts throughout the school day.

Please see this link for detailed information about attendance, absence and illness.



The cost of a school lunch is £2.05 each day, payable in advance on a weekly, half termly or termly basis. If you wish to change your child’s meal arrangements, please send a note into the catering manager.



EYFS 11.50am- 1pm

Year 1 to Year 4 - 12pm - 1pm

Year 5 and Year 6 - 12.15pm to 1.15pm



EYFS 10.50-11.05 all other playtimes incorporated into continuous provision

Year 1 and Year 2  - 10.30am-10.45am  2pm to 2.15pm

Year 3 and Year 4 - 10.25-10.40am       2pm-2.15pm

Year 5 and Year 6 - 10.45am to 11am    2.20pm-2.35pm


Free School Meals

Your child may be entitled to free meals if you are in receipt of:

· Income Support, or

· Job Seekers Allowance (income based), or

· Employment Support Allowance (income related), or

· Pension Credit (guarantee credit), or

· Child Tax Credit with a total annual income of LESS than £16,190 per annum but applicant NOT
receiving Working Tax Credit

Further details are available from the Housing and Council Tax Benefit Team on 606 2002, by e
mail to freeschoolmeals@wirral.gov.uk or at any of the 13 One Stop Shops around the borough.


Medicines in School

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary for children to receive medication during the school day: 

· In cases of long term complaints or chronic illness e.g. asthma, diabetes etc

· Cases where children are recovering from short term illness and are well enough to return to school but are still receiving a course of antibiotics, prescribed by a doctor four times a day only

All medication must clearly state the child's full name on the Pharmacy label attached to the bottle and box. Medication will be given only once during the school day.


Medicine must be signed in at the school office each day by a parent/carer and collected by them at the end of each day. Medicines cannot be given to children to take home.

All other medicines can be given by either a parent themselves, or another designated adult, during the school day. Please call at the school office to do this.

Leave of Absence

Guidance for parents – please consider the following before making a request:

The government have stated that Headteachers can no longer authorise leave of absence in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This is not an automatic right and will not be
granted during SAT’s, for example.

Should this request not be granted, time taken will be classed as unauthorised absence and will
automatically appear on the pupil’s record and will also affect our statistical report to the DfE.

The completed Leave of Absence form should be returned to school prior to the date for which the
leave of absence is requested.

Leave of Absence forms are available from school reception.