Maths Outreach Feedback

Feedback from Teachers we have supported


Coaching feedback

I already knew that I needed a little guidance on the textbook element of a Power Maths lesson and shared this with Rosie. During our initial discussion it was decided that Rosie leading and me supporting would be the most useful in supporting my next steps. Rosie had already sent through some ideas about the lesson which had led to me understanding the whole lesson 'journey' better. The lesson itself was great and observing and interacting with it will definitely impact my practice from now on in that I fully understand how the use of manipulatives supports and underpins the whole activity.

TRGs -impact comments

What did you find most useful?

Variety of approach linking concrete to pictoral to theoretical for concepts involved with vocabulary modelled and reinforced repeatedly throughout the session.

seeing how mastery is taught in another year 1 classroom


Observing a KS1 Mastery lesson

The lesson planning that was provided which had been annotated to show what you were going to do and why was really useful. Also doing the self-evaluation form was very helpful in identifying the areas I would like us to focus on this year.

Seeing the lesson & the Journaling by Y1

Being able to observe yourself teaching the lesson to clearly identify how to implement strategies for mastery, starting with the Y1 age group which will then allow to see how progress can be made in future year groups.

What will you take back to school to implement?

To audit current provision to identify how to ensure the depth of understanding addressed today.

the mathematical talk used. It has made me think of how I speak in my maths lessons and how much of it is wasted "teacher talk" not short, simple and vocab focused like I saw today

Notability! I also loved the ‘When I say/show the number one you will…’

The continuous focus on language

Improving the procedural variation in our lessons.

Talk to our Y1 staff about their children's journals

Reinforce the go slow to go fast approach- journaling using one question as a key focus to identify different representations of this.

The use of language from early age

What did you find most useful?

seeing the pace of the lesson and how much knowledge and understanding the children got from it even though they only discussed 1 problem

I liked the structure of the lesson and the fact that the lesson had been slowed down, to really delve deeper into the children's understanding - with a clear focus on vocabulary.


A continuous use of high level mathematical prior language pulled through the whole lesson.

Pace of lesson

How using only one question at the start of the lesson could generate such a lot of depth learning. All of the children were able to model and explain their representations and it was clear that by the end of the lesson they understood by doubling one side of the expression and halving the other side they would get the same product.

Observing the lesson

Model high expectations

Classroom visit- seeing use of journaling with a KS2 class.

What will you take back to school to implement?

slow down the pace of my lessons and starting with a problem and really unpicking it with the children

I will explain to staff that we can slow lessons down and think about the end product - what do we want the children to learn, what do they need from us as teachers? What is the end goal?


Use of stem sentences with mathematical vocabulary to explain thoughts.

Pace of lesson/child discussion

That we need to reduce the amount of work we expect from the pupils in any one lesson. The pace of our lessons are too fast and some of our children are being left behind.

Improve my journalling and have the confidence to spend longer on journalling if required.


Reducing the expectation of WRM activites- sit down with subject leader to look at the skills which need to be covered based on NC objectives and identify opportunities for journaling within this using the materials we have in school.

Ensure opportunities for all year groups to use manipulatives to model maths problems- not to be seen as something for just KS1 or the lower abilities.

What did you find most useful?

The journaling part of the lesson

It was lovely to see a difficult concept delivered in a deep and meaningful way. The planning of the lesson and the delivery were excellent and the learning was evident by all pupils. Misconceptions were addressed effectively and the pulling apart of the tricky concepts relating to fractions meant all learners accessed the lesson objective.

Commencing a fractions unit in y2 , so it was good to see progression for the following year and discuss impact of fractions understanding further up the school in y6.

Watching the structure of the lesson and how one question was focused on for a long amount of time to ensure children understood and any misconceptions could be squashed from the outset.

It  was useful to see how you broke down the in focus task - starting with the image and then introducing the question. I enjoyed seeing how the pupils could use their prior knowledge to predict and explain how a task should be approached/ worked out.

What will you take back to school to implement?

Use of stem sentences

Use of bar modelling to explain fractions and inefficiency of using circular diagrams.

Use of names of fractions as nouns.

Reframe children thinking.

Use of bar model resources


more discussion time for the children

I think I have been quite structured with what I want to see in their journals, however going forward I will give the pupils more freedom to explain and show off what they have understood and learnt

What did you find most useful?

Being in a 'live lesson' for the first time in a long time

Looking at a live class and seeing how the journaling fits into the lesson.

seeing how journalling fits in to a KS1 lesson

The pace of the lesson with the amount of discussion and questioning. Looking at the journals.

Practical activities during the lesson. Reinforcement of language. Examination of journals.

Watching the lesson and discussing it and looking at journals.

It was lovely to experience KS1 teaching and the mastery approach applied to younger children. The use of manipulatives and their understanding of more complicated mathematical terms was lovely to see. It really re-focussed what we are doing in our school.

What will you take back to school to implement?

More independent reasoning/ explaining from ks1 - something we are working on to try and become less reliant on a worksheet.

The journal and how it is used and the purpose of this within the lesson structure.

use of journalling

Image of children's workings shown on screen to aid discussion rather than myself always demonstrating. Journalling - more structure for what I want to see.

Practical activities and questioning.

How well MNP can work when done well and consistently.

We will demonstrate the use of manipulatives in a varied manner for KS1 staff and how they can apply more mature mathematical language to problems.